"Building The Future on a Foundation of Excellence"
Our range of professional services
- Design of all structural elements, members and foundations.
- Structural Inspections and Certification
- Hydraulic Design Services
- Trade Waste Design and Approvals
- Rural and Urban Road Design
- Earthwork Modelling
- Stormwater Retention / Detention Design
- Stormwater Quality Modelling
- Environmental Engineering
- Traffic Engineering and Assessment
- Verge – Driveway Design
- Carparking Facility Design and Compliance Reviews
- Dilapidation Inspections and Reports
- Landscape / Verge Management Protection Plans
- Water and Sewer Reticulation Design
- External Services Plans
- Pollution Control and Sediment/Erosion Control Plans
- Waste Management Planning
- Subdivision Design and Planning
- Site and Construction Management
- Site Surveillance and Supervision
- Authority Liaison and Approvals
- Asset Management
- Local Government Engineering
- Development Application/Building Approval Documentation
- Design/Operational Acceptance/Construction Certificate Documentation
In addition to a broad range of in house services, we also have strong working relationships with other disciplines to ensure your entire project can be serviced efficiently and professionally. This includes services such as architecture and design, traffic engineering, fire engineering, mechanical and electrical Engineering as well as plumbing certification.