(02) 6103 0671 office@actce.com.au

“Building The Future on a Foundation of Excellence”

Professional Careers

At ACT Consulting Engineers we are always looking for motivated and professional staff to join our team. If you are interested in joining us, and believe you have the required skills, qualifications and work ethic, we would love to hear from you.

Specifically, our growing team is looking for qualified structural, civil and hydraulic engineers. Prior experience in similar consulting roles is advantageous however not essential. Draftpersons are also encouraged to apply.

Please send us an application email along with your resume to office@actce.com.au and it could be the start of a new opportunity and exciting career.

At ACT Consulting Engineers we consider all applications confidentially, and offer equal employment opportunities in a variety of engineering and administration based roles.

Work Experience And Internship Placements

Whenever possible, ACT Consulting Engineers are pleased to be able to facilitate work experience and internship places for high school and university students.

To express your interest in one of these roles, please email us at office@actce.com.au. Your application should include a covering letter which details the specific areas of engineering your are looking for experience in. Your application should also include your resume and most current report card / academic transcript.